среда, 30 ноября 2022 г.

And my character is amazing! It's just that everyone's nerves are somehow weak


.:: Hanatsumi ::.

.:: Hanatsumi ::. Phantom

Fitted mesh boots with texture HUD ( 30 textures ) for Maitreya, Legacy ( Classic & Perky ), Kalhene ( Erika ), Ebody ( Reborn ) & Kupra ( Original & Kups ).

.:: Hanatsumi ::. Heather
Fitted mesh outfit with texture HUD ( 30 textures ) for Maitreya, Legacy ( Classic & Perky ), Kalhene ( Erika ), Ebody ( Reborn ) & Kupra ( Original & Kups ).

вторник, 29 ноября 2022 г.

понедельник, 28 ноября 2022 г.

Sometimes I wish that once out the door of my life, just get lost .... But no .... well ... then they pull the handle, then they check the locks!

  :::Beauty Event :::

- Open event: Day 21.

[[Good Girl]] 

[[Good Girl]] Arlene Suit Fatpack - Beauty Event
Suit : Top and Skirt
Hud with 60 Textures Patterns and Solids
Sizes :Legacy [ Classic - Perky ] Maitreya [ Lara - Petite ] Reborn - Belleza GEN . X [ Classic - Curvy ]Single Items available 'TWO TEXTURE'
Full Options in FatPack

diamond hoop for maze soft thighs
• ebody reborn • kupra • legacy • maitreya •
♡ HUD includes 15 gems and metallic textures ♡



You don't have to underestimate me just because I'm silent.


diamond hoop for maze soft thighs
• ebody reborn • kupra • legacy • maitreya •
♡ HUD includes 15 gems and metallic textures ♡



MELODY Hadarah dress exclusive Beauty Even
comes with 60 colors 20 solid-20 hrat-20 pattern. and is available for the bodies: Maitreya-Legacy-Perky-Reborn-Belleza Gen X Classic-Belleza Gen.X Curvy
Mesh 100% Original

суббота, 26 ноября 2022 г.

How do you know if you are in good hands? And you try to escape! If your hands are really good, then the hell will you break out of them!


FAGA - HUD Unpack Maia Hairstyle 
hairstyle with super long pigtails with very natural locks and optional bangs, it comes with 4 breast sizes
...:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::...
*B.D.R.* Lyra -Garter

Compatible with Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra.
- Maze Soft Thighs Add-on required.
HUD Texture Options● x 40 colors● x 14 Metals

  Mainstore LM  https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/DreamsLand/179/126/1501
   blog  http://bdrbeautifuldirtyrich.blogspot.com/2022/09/bdr-sense-event.html

Lilleth Mills 

♥ New Release: Lilleth Mills X CUT ♥
CUT Top & Dress
• Available in 3 DIFFERENT color packs. Each pack contains a HUD with 10 colors to mix and match
• Sizes: Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn & Reborn Juicy and Kupra
• Special Effects HUD

Lilleth Mills Store Social Media Links

♥ Store Owner: Lilleth Mills. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lilleth.mills.7

    Blogger and Brand Manager
♥ SL: Juls Nebula 
♥ Discord: Juls Nebula#5330

четверг, 24 ноября 2022 г.

I have 3 moods: - I do not want anything - I want, I don't know what - I want everything! ..)))

 Stella Design

{ST} Cara Outfit

Top & Skirt includes 10 Textures with 40 Variation, Top & Skirt can be worn separately. Rigged for Maitreya, Legacy, Push Up, Reborn, Reborn

Nothing teaches a woman to be stronger like a failed attempt to be a little weak!

  Celestinas Weddings

.:(CW):. Dami Shrug & Dress - FAT PACK 

11 colors ♥ Maitreya Lara / Legacy Classic &Perky / Freya / Hourglass

вторник, 22 ноября 2022 г.

Allow yourself to rest from people, events, news. Get out of the "access zone".


This sexy dress comes rigged for Maitreya, Hourglass, Legacy, Reborn and Kupra !!

Label Event  https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Skywalkin/45/175/0

Flickr  www.flickr.com/photos/190135708@N06/
Marketplace  marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/218837
Mainstore http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Candy%20Cove/131/155/24

Sintiklia - Hair Avery - Fatpack

Long bob with 4 styles, comes in 2 rigged sizes&unrigged/resized
Comes in packs(114 colors in each): blondes&reds, browns&blacks, colors&ombres.

There are no invincibles - they become. The secret of invincibility remains unsolved.

 :::Beauty Event :::

- Open event: Day 21.

воскресенье, 20 ноября 2022 г.

I look how beautiful the winter forest is, and I understand why so many fairy tales are dedicated to it ...

 Maddox Poses


Indivudual pose 49L$ In Store

FATPACK 249$L In Store [ Includes Mirrored Poses ]


{Le'La} Reindeer Outfit

Top | Gloves | Panties | Reindeer Antlers | Heels | Stockings | Garter | Corset | Earrings | Necklace
BOM Face & Body Tattoo for EvoX & Regular Heads
Antlers /Earrings/Neclace/ not rigged - with resizer menu
FitMesh for mesh avatars

Don't think what was... Don't guess what will be... Take care of what is..


FAGA - Giulia Hairstyle @Mainstore 60L$


New release - [ADD] Nicole Dress

Exclusive for this round of DollHolic Event (November 18 - December 12 / 2022)

- 20 colors
- customize Maitreya & Petite- Legacy & Perky- Kupra- eBODY REBORN



Marketplace:  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/130983

Store LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fashion%20Boulevard/109/32/1302

Group: secondlife:///app/group/e3ee6176-a91d-ffa7-c3ab-308b49e38db6/about

Flickr (or WebSite): https://www.flickr.com/photos/190318796@N08/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/add.sl/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/add.sl.store


суббота, 19 ноября 2022 г.

Meet someone who speaks the language of your soul so you don't have to spend forever translating.


{Le'La} Agueda Outfit >70% off promo<
15 Colors Outfit
Top | Skirt | Boots
Multiple Colors Combination via HUD
FitMesh for mesh avatars

A woman with the smell of a dream, sips of love and portions of happiness is rebellious. With a touch of tenderness and the aroma of arrogance - and there is a real ..



comes with 20 colors and is available for the bodies: Maitreya-Legacy-Reborn-Belleza Gen X classic-Belleza Gen.X Curvy-Reborn juicy Rolls

Mesh 100% Original

среда, 16 ноября 2022 г.

A woman is a flower that blooms in all its glory only in the hands of a caring and attentive man...



Tirana. Jane Dress

Dress compatibility with Legacy (orig\perky\petite), Kupra (orig\kups), eBody (reborn), Kalhene (erika), Maitreya (lara).

   marketplace   https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/169955

Gift Group - secondlife:///app/group/dc707a43-d2c7-67c6-1049-50a7dc4bc691/about


[GIVEAWAY]Hair Ocean @C88
Hair Ocean for Collabor88
Cam-shopping: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Collabor/245/194/1089
4 styles. Has rigged&unrigged version. Rigged has 2 sizes: basic and more thinner for smaller heads. Also has size with distance for clothing.

Comes in packs(114 colors in each): blondes&reds, browns&blacks, colors&ombres.

понедельник, 14 ноября 2022 г.

I love everything real: Words.. Deeds.. Feelings and People.!

  Lilleth Mills

Lilleth Mills x GRIP - Collection

Fitted for:
• Maitreya Lara + Petite• Hourglass• Legacy• Kupra Original• Reborn + Reborn Rolls

Lilleth Mills Store Social Media Links

♥ Store Owner: Lilleth Mills. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lilleth.mills.7

    Blogger and Brand Manager
♥ SL: Juls Nebula 
♥ Discord: Juls Nebula#5330

A woman is too emotional, so a man must be confident and decisive.


.:: Hanatsumi ::.

.:: Hanatsumi ::. Marilyn
Fitted mesh outfit with texture HUD ( 36 textures ) for Maitreya + Petite, Legacy ( Classic & Perky ), Ebody ( Reborn ) & Kupra ( Original & Kups ).

пятница, 11 ноября 2022 г.

It's hard for a woman to keep arguing when she's being kissed by a man she likes

 Heartsdale Jewellery

 [HJ] Victoriana Collection

new release at Swank during the November round


{Le'La} Rebella Outfit 
16 Colors Outfit
Body | Sleeves | Pants
Multiple Colors Combination via HUD
FitMesh for mesh avatars
 Maitreya☻ Legacy☻  Kupra☻ Belleza Isis Freya☻ Slink Hourglass/Physique

{Le'La} Beyond Heels
40 Colors Heels
☻Maitreya☻  Legacy☻ Belleza, Isis Venus Freya☻  Slink☻Kupra
☻  Tonic☻ Kalhene erika/anya☻  Ebody curvy /Classic☻  Love momma

Never expect anything from people. If you hope - they will let you down, if you trust - they will deceive you, if you open up - they will betray you.



ADD] Monica Set
- 20 color
- customize
- Maitreya + Petite- Legacy + Perky- Kupra- eBODY REBORN


Marketplace:  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/130983

Store LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fashion%20Boulevard/109/32/1302

Group: secondlife:///app/group/e3ee6176-a91d-ffa7-c3ab-308b49e38db6/about

Flickr (or WebSite): https://www.flickr.com/photos/190318796@N08/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/add.sl/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/add.sl.store

Maddox Poses

NEW: Emma FATPACK (static poses) - Bloggers only

Indivudual pose 49L$ In Store
FATPACK 249$L In Store [ Includes Mirrored Poses ]

{Le'La} Beyond Heels
40 Colors Heels
☻Maitreya☻  Legacy☻ Belleza, Isis Venus Freya☻  Slink☻Kupra
☻  Tonic☻ Kalhene erika/anya☻  Ebody curvy /Classic☻  Love momma

Let there be spring in your soul - always, at any time of the year! And in your home - every hour, wonderful weather reigns!

      p⦿⦿ns - pOOnsh - Kiwi Outfit (FATPACK) ✦ Reborn, Waifus, LaraX, Legacy, Perky ✦ IT INCLUDES Jacket, Dress, HUD (14 colors + TintPicker...