пятница, 22 октября 2021 г.

Lovely autumn days in the backyard



moxxi // Tina Jacket #BIGGIRL Event
moxxi // Tina Jacket available during the #BIGGIRL

Event at 15th October!
It's fitted for:
♥ Maitreya
♥ Maitreya Petite
♥ Legacy
♥ Kupra Cups A/B
♥ Kupra Original/Low/Bimbo
♥ Hourglass
♥ Freya

Single color includes:

- 2 different versions plastic & latex (materials enabled)

Fatpack includes:

- 3 glossiness options

- all colors (mix n match Main + Sleeves)

- 8 exclusive patterns

LM Inworld Store: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beautiful%20River/95/64/3004

Marketplace Store: marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/215219?lang=en-US


 Anna Set - Jeans

♥ Single pack includes belt HUD with all normal colors

♥ Fatpack includes:

- all colors

- belt HUD with all colors + 8 exclusive colors

Darcio Poses & SamPoses

[DPSP] - Helping Hand (wear)

Autumn leaves 


 Delivery - Dead Leaves Set
 Mainstore Release, 8 different Cluster. 399L$



➤{OBD} Salem Maple Tree & Leaves

☑{OBD} Salem Maple Tree & Leaves - 4LI
☑{OBD} Salem Maple Tree - 1LI
☑{OBD} Salem Maple Leaves - 1LI
☑{OBD} Salem Maple Leaves 2 - 2LI

This Salem Maple Tree set comes with swirling ground leaves, swirling tree leaves and the maple tree itself. You can add however many additional ground leaves you like to give it more of a windy fuller effect! It is all up to your preference!
The tree comes without the swirling leaves also!

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Let there be spring in your soul - always, at any time of the year! And in your home - every hour, wonderful weather reigns!

      p⦿⦿ns - pOOnsh - Kiwi Outfit (FATPACK) ✦ Reborn, Waifus, LaraX, Legacy, Perky ✦ IT INCLUDES Jacket, Dress, HUD (14 colors + TintPicker...