четверг, 25 ноября 2021 г.




'Intimate Breathing' - Animation Hud 1.0

Give your avatar a subtle realistic breathing animation or accompany your more exhilarating

activities with the visual display of your increasing excitement. Belly expands and contracts,

and ribs rise and fall.

Previews -





5 amounts -

(There is a wide range of amounts included in the project. On some bodies or smaller shapes

the larger ones look unrealistic, but on bigger sized shapes and bodies they look great, so find a

setting you like :D. They also work for shallower or deeper breathing).

5 speeds -

from cool as a cucumber to orgasmic and/ or hyper nerves.

Tested with default settings for Inithium Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink, Belleza Bodies,

(may well work with others, try the demo). Choose your body so belly resets

correctly when not animating.


Total-Blck-tattoo(wear me)

.:TattooYou:.& Clothes (Verna Voom)



 Willow Set SHORT&TOP

His tattoo:


: Devin Tattoo Unisex
Exclusive for Abstrakt Event
Open 15th November - Close 5th December

For Woman and Man
This product contains:
- Tattoo for Classic Avatar and Tattoo Layers for body and head (Bakes On Mesh) in 4 tone (Dark 100%, Medium 75%, Light 50% and UltraLight 30%);

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Let there be spring in your soul - always, at any time of the year! And in your home - every hour, wonderful weather reigns!

      p⦿⦿ns - pOOnsh - Kiwi Outfit (FATPACK) ✦ Reborn, Waifus, LaraX, Legacy, Perky ✦ IT INCLUDES Jacket, Dress, HUD (14 colors + TintPicker...