воскресенье, 4 сентября 2022 г.

Fuck him, with the summer ... I'll light it in the fall !!! 💃

♚ ::: Vivacious Inc. ::: ♚ 

::: Vivacious Inc. ::: Alice Outfit - AD Front

-MESH- is available in 14 Colors / Maitreya (Lara) / Legacy (Classic & Perky) & Reborn (+Juicy) Mesh-Body compatible


LM to NEW Mainstore:

Heartsdale Jewellery

[HJ] Arcade Collection 

Heartsdale Jewellery is participating in the Arcade Event this September with a galore of goodies pictured above!

4. [HJ] Olivia Choker (unpacked)
5. [HJ] Olivia Bracelets (unpacked)


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Oddly enough, but people who tried to put me in a very unsightly position in front of other people, for some reason quite quickly find themselves in the same ass that they carefully prepared for me...

    mekaci Malin Set @ BLACK FAIR http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fender/51/198/23 ✧ 30 colors and patterns • Mix & Match magic ✧ ...