пятница, 30 декабря 2022 г.

New Year is a fairy tale that even adults continue to believe in.

  ...:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::...

B.D.R.* Kaylee & Body Glitter | Weekend Sales!

MIIX & Kinky 69 Weekend Sale - December 30th to January 2nd.

► Taxi: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beautiful%20Dirty%20Rich/121/141/22

 Kaylee Dress and Body Glitter.
- Compatible with Maitreya+Petite, Legacy+Perky, Kupra & Reborn.

- MIIX Weekend (77L)
★ Kaylee -Dress-:
HUD Texture Options
● x 25 Solid colors (Winter Palette)
● x 5 Golden shades
● x Choker in 15 colors

- Glitter color can be customized separately

- Inner Panty (C-String) and Glitter layer can be shown/hidden via HUD.

- Customizable glow.

- Kinky 69 (69L)

★ Kaylee -Body Glitter-:

HUD Texture Options

● x 25 Solid colors (Winter Palette)

● x 5 Golden shades

● x 12 Mix colors.

- 2 Styles: Static and Animated glitter.

- Customizable glow.

- Made to Mix & Match with Kaylee Dress but it can also be worn with any type of clothing!

   blog  http://bdrbeautifuldirtyrich.blogspot.com/2022/09/bdr-sense-event.html


Heartsdale Jewellery

Van Gogh Collection
New at Uber during the December round.

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Let there be spring in your soul - always, at any time of the year! And in your home - every hour, wonderful weather reigns!

      p⦿⦿ns - pOOnsh - Kiwi Outfit (FATPACK) ✦ Reborn, Waifus, LaraX, Legacy, Perky ✦ IT INCLUDES Jacket, Dress, HUD (14 colors + TintPicker...