пятница, 28 апреля 2023 г.

If I ask about your plans for the evening, it does not mean that I want to join the company. Maybe I just don't want to meet you by chance.

   Limited Addiction
Limited Addiction - Ransom Set
KlNKY Event April 28th
Features top, jeans and optional strings fitted for Maitreya, Legacy, and Reborn bodies.


P e a s . mood Shakes Fatpack
Bubblegum dreams      Chocolate mocha delight       Minty fresh ecstasy     Sunset paradise   Snow White

Comes with a bonus key-chain that is only available with the fatpack !!
Purchase includes one milkshake with a hud to change the colour (5 colour options available) and a hud to change the expression to suit your mood! (6 expressions to choose from) .
 Left and right bento poses for milkshake

четверг, 27 апреля 2023 г.

No need to try to find out what a woman wants. You will never know. It is necessary to create conditions under which a woman wants only you.

Lollipop Store

Baby Bunny Hair Pin
12 Colors
Hud for the Bow and Bunny




- [ADD] Ruth Set

Exclusive for this round of DUBAI Event (April 20 / 2023)

.- 20 color
- Maitreya + Petite- Legacy + Perky- Belleza Gen.X Classic + Curvy- Inithium Kupra- eBODY REBORN

All the same, the most important thing in a person ... is RELIABILITY ... When you know .. that they will not betray you ... They will not let you down and will not exchange ...

  - pOOnsh

- pOOnsh - Haily Dress

4 SIZES - Legacy, Perky, Reborn, GenX
 ✦ Compatible with Reborn juicy boobs, Legacy PushUp 
✦ IT INCLUDES Dress, Bra+Panties, HUD (14 colors+styles), HUD TintPicker (only for fatpack) 

понедельник, 24 апреля 2023 г.

All my magical errors are copyrighted. Make yours please..


[Enchantress] Leia Lingerie

Sizes for mesh bodies:
Maitreya   Legacy and Legacy Perky   eBody Reborn   Inithium Kupra



manager in all pictures! https://linktr.ee/thyliah


ALEX design
-ALEX- Garter Olivia 
MAZE Soft Thighs Maitreya/Legacy/Perky/Reborn/BellezaGenX/BellezaCurvy 
DUBAI EVENT April 20th - May 15th

Even if life is ordinary do everything you can from the heart.


{Le'La} Ane Spring Outfit
Dress | Earrings | Basket | Dress | Sanals

 Maitreya/  Legacy   Kupra    Belleza  Slink Hourglass & Physique

воскресенье, 23 апреля 2023 г.

What is the path to a woman's heart through? - The way to a woman's heart should not lie at all!


     Beauty Event 

LsR Originals
Sexy Sharay Suit

Mesh:JumpSuit [Sandals With Stockings includes at Big Fatpack - Fatpack Separately ]
Hud 76 Top textures / 38 Skirt Textures
Suit : Legacy [ Classic - Perky ] Maitreya [ Lara ] Reborn - Belleza GENX [Classic - Curvy ]
Suit Push-Up: Legacy Nerido [ Classic - Perky ] Maitreya Maitreya Domina - Reborn [Juicy Boobs]
Single Items available '2 TEXTURE'
Full Options in FatPack / Big Fatpack / Mega Fatpack

The best thing a man can do for a woman angry with him is to listen to her to the end, and then just hug her.

      Beauty Event 


#SHOOSH - Chiara Set

P e a s. Glaze my DOnut
Pack contain :
 4 holdable donuts with a pose in each.
 A hud with 5 icing changes and 15 small flowers and 15 pearl textures.
 One rez version with 4 pose sits.

четверг, 20 апреля 2023 г.

Do not hold back what is leaving, and do not push away what comes .... And then happiness itself will find you ......

 ...:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::...

*B.D.R.* Valeria
BIGGIRL | April 15th to May 10th.

Everything is so easy for me only because I do not tell how difficult it is sometimes.



30 Colors Pants 30 Colors Sleeves  30 Colors Heels



среда, 19 апреля 2023 г.

It is not necessary to be the best, it is enough to be better than yesterday.

  Limited Addiction

Sexy new Leona Set @ Cosmopolitan Event ♥
Features bra, skirt, and optional strings in 22 colors. Fitted for Maitreya, Legacy, and Reborn.

Women, like cats, do not live long in bad houses, do not sit in bad hands for a long time, and only remember insults for a long time.


[ADD] Sally Set

Exclusive for this round of Cosmopolitan Event (April 16 / 2023)
.- 20 color
- 10 prints
- Maitreya + Petite- Legacy + Perky- Kupra- eBODY REBORN- Belleza Gen.X Classic + Curvy


Marketplace:  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/130983

Store LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fashion%20Boulevard/109/32/1302

Group: secondlife:///app/group/e3ee6176-a91d-ffa7-c3ab-308b49e38db6/about

Flickr (or WebSite): https://www.flickr.com/photos/190318796@N08/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/add.sl/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/add.sl.store

 Heartsdale Jewellery
The Moon Goddess Collection

New at The Arcade Event, commencing 15th April


воскресенье, 16 апреля 2023 г.

Never explain anything to anyone - everyone will still understand how it is beneficial for him.


LeLa - Ottavia Outfit
40 Textures Plain & Pattern
Jacket | Dress | Boots
Multiple Colors Combination via HUD
sizes Outfit
Maitreya/Petite  Legacy/perky   Kupra    Belleza Gx Classic & Curvy   Ebody Reborn  Kalhene Erika

Spring quietly asks in the soul ...


ALEX design

-ALEX- Set Helen 
Maitreya/Legacy/Perky/Reborn/BellezaGenX/BellezaCurvy Fetish Fair APRIL 09th to 23th 2023 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tinys%20Haven/159/84/29

TRUTH Colectivo x FAGA
TRUTH Collective (HUD.Unpack) Promise - Fatpack

Let there be spring in your soul - always, at any time of the year! And in your home - every hour, wonderful weather reigns!

      p⦿⦿ns - pOOnsh - Kiwi Outfit (FATPACK) ✦ Reborn, Waifus, LaraX, Legacy, Perky ✦ IT INCLUDES Jacket, Dress, HUD (14 colors + TintPicker...