понедельник, 3 апреля 2023 г.

It's nice to think that someone is having the best day of their life today. Today someone will hear "I love you" for the first time. Someone will get their dream job. Someone will meet a true friend. Someone will return to where he has been waiting for a long time. This is someone's best day. And you know what I think? Tomorrow may be your best day, so keep going. )



New release - [ADD] Ruby Set

Exclusive for this round of Cosmopolitan Event (April 02 / 2023)
- 20 color
- 10 patterns
- Maitreya + Petite- Legacy + Perky- Kupra- eBODY REBORN- Belleza Gen.X Classic + Curvy

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  BRILLANCIA BRILLANCIA & GENESIS - KEIKO & AKIO SET https://www.flickr.com/photos/157778862@N04/ https://www.flickr.com/groups/1473...