суббота, 20 января 2024 г.

Don't regret the time you spend alone. Regret the time you spend not with the one you would like.


[ADD] Amare Set

Exclusive for this round of DUBAI Event (December 20 / 2023)

- 40 colors
- Two styles
- Maitreya + Petite- Legacy + Perky- eBODY REBORN + Waifu- Belleza Gen.X Classic + Curvy- Inithium Kupra- SP Peach

Marketplace:  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/130983

Store LM:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ADD/117/57/1001

Group: secondlife:///app/group/e3ee6176-a91d-ffa7-c3ab-308b49e38db6/about

Flickr (or WebSite): https://www.flickr.com/photos/190318796@N08/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/add.sl/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/add.sl.store


[VIPERA] Lynn Earrings & [VIPERA] Lynn Necklace

Lynn Earrings includes: ► Unrigged mesh earrings → Resizer script ► HUD for color changing: → 2 Faces of Metal: 8 colors

VIPERA – Lynn Necklace includes:
 Rigged mesh necklaces for:
→ eBody Reborn→ Inithium Kupra→ Legacy→ Maitreya LaraX→ Peach→ Belleza GenX (classic&curvy)





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Do you know WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE between us? YOU have it AS IT SHOULD, and I have it... as I LIKE IT!

  Heartsdale Jewellery Necklace and earrings:  [HJ] Renaissance II Collection.  Fitted for eBody Reborn, Legacy, Maitreya, Maitreya X. An un...