воскресенье, 16 января 2022 г.

Joyful beauty of our winter


North Top @ACCESS

Compatible with:
- Maitreya+Petite- Legacy+Perky- Kupra Original+Kups- Reborn
eXxEsS: Leather Leggings No.1

::Fluffy Stuff:: 

::Fluffy Stuff:: Snowballfight

For this weekend of KawaiiSunday we are releasing our Snowballfight, there are 2 kinds of throwable snowballs to play with your friends.

They come with different bento animations and require rez rights to throw.

To throw simply go into mouselook , aim and click.

Meshes are mod/copy

His body and head:


 – Hekiru
Fantasy Mesh Head - Copy/Mod - 1 full body and head skin - Matte and reflective sluv eyes -
Tintable whiskers - Animations & features

His clothes:


- Bruno Jacket

His aura:


 'Solstice Aura' Crystal Magic
Featuring spinning crystal, various particles and swirling snowy textures.
Previews - 

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